CHILLICOTHE, OH— Fluor-BWXT’s commitment to a strong and sustainable economy in southern Ohio was honored recently with a proclamation from the Ross County Commissioners during regular session.
“The Ross County Board of Commissioners does hereby commend Fluor-BWXT for promoting the industrial, economic, commercial and civic development of Ross County,” said Commissioner Dwight Garrett, reading the proclamation.
During the past 10 years, Fluor-BWXT’s investments in Ross County have created or retained more than 500 full-time jobs at local companies like Riffle Machine Works, General Fasteners, Herr Foods, Chillicothe Steel, and Industrial Reliability & Repair.
“Ross County couldn’t ask for a better partner,” Director of Economic Development Tammy Eallonardo, Greater Chillicothe & Ross County Development, said. “There are many projects that do not fit the criteria to receive Jobs Ohio support. FBP has helped us fill that void by awarding $269,954 in ‘Opportunity Fund’ grants to local businesses with important, smaller projects.”
“We are honored to be recognized by the Ross County Commissioners,” Fluor-BWXT Site Project Director JD Dowell said. “It’s a privilege to be able to serve our communities to make a difference in the economic development of our region.”
The Board of Commissioners issued the proclamation in appreciation for FBP providing outstanding public service. Commissioners commended FBP for promoting industrial economic, commercial, and civic development for Ross County and Ohio, for the past 10 years.
For more information about Fluor-BWXT, please visit